If you're reading this you likely have a Story similar to mine about the Journey taken and the many forks taken along the road to online success and/or failure. "Shiny object syndrome" is so, so typical and "Yes", I'm guilty too. If that's you and you're looking for the Holy Grail, don't go away!
I started this Journey way back when my younger partner, being computer savvy, uploaded a program that was a full 35MB and we were afraid we'd run out of computer storage! I gradually learned the basic ins and outs of the computer world running our businesses but never became significantly proficient, only using enough of our programs to get my job done.
Along the way, I noticed more and more folks doing things online that made it look like they were actually earning money. And some appeared to be earning a 'living'. So began my 'shiny object' (SO)chase for many years. Each new SO would be 'the' answer...finally.

But...we all know that's not how it worked (unless you were at least somewhat gifted in computer software) and that's not how it worked for me. Spending lots of hard earned dollars on crap based on promises and so called 'guarantees' of gurus of every stripe kept me back from success.
I can't count all the times I'd get 50% of the way there, 80% of the way, even sometimes 90% of the way to that pot-of-gold at the end of the rainbow and there'd be that ONE darn glitch that would stop me in my tracks. And there was never anyone around to actually walk me through it. Once I was so close to a Rank&Rent success that I could taste it, I even dreamed about it...until AWS would not cooperate. I tried and tried, I started all over thinking I'd missed something way back there...then the same thing. Frustration overwhelmed me. Failure hit me square in the gut and there goes more money down the drain.
Let me fast forward to this Journey of mine. I have a cheat sheet of all my websites, passwords and such which at the top has a quote from a fellow who walked across Antarctica. "Consistency is the king and key to success" Colin O'Brady

I'm a man of faith and believe that all things work together for a larger purpose. So I remained 'consistent' and found that ever elusive 'success'. In the vast world of online businesses, there are endless options available. For me it's not just the discovery but the ability/tools/mentoring to apply "Funnels" to my online efforts.
If you'll check out my latest funnel I believe you'll see that you too can find that same success. It's truly all there for anyone to grasp. The plan, the tools, the simple yet effective training and a great community of like-minded folks. I mentioned as we started the 'Holy Grail'...
I'm a man of faith and believe that all things work together for a larger purpose. So I remained 'consistent' and found that ever elusive 'success'. In the vast world of online businesses, there are endless options available. For me it's not just the discovery but the ability/tools/mentoring to apply "Funnels" to my online efforts.
If you'll check out my latest funnel I believe you'll see that you too can find that same success. It's truly all there for anyone to grasp. The plan, the tools, the simple yet effective training and a great community of like-minded folks. I mentioned as we started the 'Holy Grail'...