Who I'm talking to & Not talking to...
I’m not directing this toward a “smart” kid, just the one who has an average IQ. He would be smart enough to graduate from most colleges but likely won’t qualify for Harvard, Princeton or Yale. This, however, is an advantage since these universities are viewed as finishing schools for the Left-wing elite. The only reason to aspire to the Ivy League schools is to develop a network you may want to use later in your career.

Getting started...
I recommend that rather than attending high school he learns online, home schooling. Several alternatives are available and I would suggest the Ron Paul curriculum. This curriculum is very well suited to the overall idea behind this post. Online instruction allows him to go at his own pace without being held back by slow learners or left behind by smarter students. He can also work throughout the year, which gets him out of high school a year earlier than expected, which is a huge advantage considering the power of compounding dollars…the earlier he starts the greater the return at an earlier age.

The Plan...School
He should start studying for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams in his sophomore year. Even if he does not pass one at the end of his sophomore year, he should purchase at least two CLEP study guides and study all summer. Passing even one exam will boost his confidence, which is essential. Time management/self-governance is also crucial, and he should learn it by taking a course on “how to study” through the Ron Paul Curriculum.

To manage his time effectively, he should study/work for eight hours a day, including five hours of school, an hour of chores, an hour for hobbies that could turn into specialized skills, and an hour to prepare for a CLEP exam. He should add an hour a day at the beginning of each academic year, and by the end of high school, he should be working 12 hours a day. Ideally, he should get involved in some kind of local charity every Saturday, which helps him gain the trust of adults. The extra hours should be devoted to a part-time job where he uses the self-governance learned through his years of study to be on time, diligent and productive. Between the charity work and the part-time job, he can be assured that there will be an abundance of opportunity when he graduates from school.
For his part-time job, it should be at a local business that has at least a dozen employees. A local business, owned by a local business person will provide greater opportunity for one on one mentoring. This will help him learn how to do the menial jobs and take instruction from his bosses. He should gain a good understanding of how the business is run by paying attention to more than merely his own job but the business as a whole. After some time working in a business, even better would be to start a home business, such as mowing lawns or cleaning houses in the neighborhood.
The Plan...Work
More critical than most recognize, is the ability to speak well. When he turns 13, he should join a local Gavel Club and attend every meeting to learn how to speak in public. (Gavel is sponsored by Toastmasters) When he turns 18, he should join Toastmasters. The commitment to these organizations should be to never miss a meeting. Reading Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" every year until he finishes high school is also recommended, as it will help him in his future career.

He should specialize in personal services of some kind for his career and choose a business that will not be replaced by A.I. or robots. He won’t have to worry about that issue if he’s done his homework getting to this phase of life. Pursuing his hobby and volunteering at the local charity should continue even as he earns his degree from a distance-learning college.
The Finish...
Mom and Dad should insure that he pays for his own college tuition. This shouldn’t be difficult if he’s been working part-time and attends college through an online curriculum which will cost less than $20k for the full 3 – 4 years of course work. Additionally, he can continue to work and save even more money, which, as noted, can continue to compound. If he pursues a specialized field requiring attending physically (such as medicine, engineering, legal, etc with an eye towards a need to acquire beneficial relationships/networking) he may need to get a loan but he should do this with the idea of paying this back first thing upon graduating. This is the only debt he should have by the time he turns 21.

And lastly, if he’s done his homework through the freshman or sophomore years, his parents should grant him a gift of paying his tuition to: Gary Johnston Seminars, “Financial Freedom Principles”. Plan ahead as they are held only a couple times a year, usually one on the east coast and one on the west. This is a course for every member of the family but to learn these principles at this young age is priceless. Gary preaches a great message of how to plant an Asset Garden and how to keep it healthy and growing.
Go & Grow...
And finally! I’d tell him,
‘Average’ coupled with self-governance, self-discipline… equals success.
You don’t have to be “smart” to find success or even riches in this country. Your years of practice at self-governance will put you light years ahead of every one of your peers over the long term. Know your areas of strength and those that are weak and focus on your strengths. Avoid the shiny objects that will tempt you on your Journey. Plant your Assets, one by one and use the produce of those Assets to do good in your community and beyond. You can do good, because you are able, having time and resources available, due to the foundation you've been putting down. Keep the faith, don't quit, persevere to the end.
